In 2013, a Jason’s Law driver survey was conducted prior to the 1st FHWA Jason’s Law survey. REAL Women in Trucking President Desiree Wood was the project manager who worked with the widow of Jason Rivenburg, Hope Rivenburg to produce a presentation of the survey results and focus group. The survey included an open comment question for truck drivers to respond that asked which shippers and receivers were the most difficult when it came to running them out of legal hours to drive and would not allow them to park onsite afterwards even though they had to infrastructure and room in place for them to do so.
Mentioning the names of the shippers and receivers is a sensitive topic as many drivers fear retaliation for doing so by having future potential loads withheld from them. 2059 respondents skipped the “naming names” section in the 2013 national truck parking survey. Over 1800 respondents did respond to the question that allowed the production of an alphabetical Shipper and Receiver list.
It is our view that if local communities, planning divisions, MPO’s, commercial development and economic development agencies were more aware of how truck parking issues are linked to certain companies that come into their communities they might negotiate better to mitigate unauthorized truck parking and work in advance to require a plan from these companies on how much truck traffic they will bring to the area and how they plan to help deal with it.
We are providing this list here as a PDF download HERE .
You can view the entire slideshow presentation below.