Get Help
Are you concerned about your situation in the workplace?
Has anyone ever hurt or threatened you, or pressured you to have sex? You are not alone.
Abuse happens in every culture, every country, and every age group, and it may be happening to you. No one deserves to be abused or threatened. Always find help and support for yourself.
Becoming a truck driver is a unique profession. Many are attracted to the solitude of the road, but it's important to understand that during the early days and weeks of truck driver training, there will be isolation, limited supervision, and varying levels of professional conduct at many truck driver training companies.​
We urge new drivers entering truck driver training to avoid signing on for training where team driving for up to 6 months is a required phase of training and/or companies who offer a lease purchase truck in order to eliminate the team driving phase. If you are entering training as a solo driver, team driving with a stranger can be difficult and dangerous in our opinion. Employer driven debt in student fleets is currently under scrutiny. Please do thorough research before you sign a training or lease purchase contract.
These are some of the companies that require team driving as a phase of training Covenant Transport, US Xpress, CRST Van Expedited and subsidiaries, CR England, Western Express, PAM, Prime, Inc. but there are many more, so you need to ask specific questions about the training model to make an informed decision.
If you have been sexually assaulted, it is imperative that you file a police report right away regardless of the jurisdiction. If you need help navigating this, please contact Desiree 561.232.9170 ​
We understand it is your new job and you are scared.
If you believe that you have been discriminated against at work because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity,
and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information, you can file a Charge of Discrimination with the EEOC
Trucking companies often withhold wages and/or do not pay a final paycheck to drivers. Click the image to visit the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division to find out how to file a complaint and also check with your state on how to file a wage and hour complaint. We urge drivers to not work for companies that pay them on a 1099 when they do not own the truck. This is a misclassified worker situation; drivers that are misclassified are more likely to experience wage theft and will have little recourse to recover wages that they are owed.
Suicide and Crisis Hotline
Text 988
Lifeline support 24/7
Click the image to be connected to the Legal Network for Gender Equity, housed at the National Women's Law Center. Attorneys in the Legal Network provide a free legal consultation if you have experienced sex harassment or discrimination at work. They can also provide a consultation if you have experienced sex harassment or discrimination at school or while receiving health care. If you are looking for help outside of these issues, you can find some additional resources here.
The FMCSA Coercion Rule explicitly prohibits motor carriers, shippers, receivers and transportation intermediaries from
coercing drivers to operate in violation
of certain FMCSA regulations, including the drivers' hours-of-service limits, the commercial driver's license (CDL) regulations, the associated drug and alcohol testing rules, HMRs, and some of the FMCCRs.
Ensuring Gender Equity at Work
The Women’s Bureau champions policies and standards that
safeguard the interests of working women, advocates for the
equality and economic security of women and their families,
and promotes quality work environments.
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Become a Certified Trucker Against Trafficking by Completing this free course that includes a 27-minute video and a short quiz to receive your certificate of completion. You can save lives by learning the signs of trafficking and how to report it. Learn More
PRF Law represents workers and people who are denied equal treatment in the workplace, housing, credit, insurance, public accommodations, and other economic opportunities; non-profit groups and unions; consumers who are mistreated; whistleblowers; and victims of misinformation and tech abuses, among others.